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The Ark Ladies

The Ark

The Ark

The Ark is a drop-in group for women in recovery from addiction. We offer a welcoming and safe environment in which women can meet, share, and support each other with any aspect of life.

The group meets for a cuppa and a chat in a relaxed, encouraging, and non-judgmental atmosphere. When we are not just chatting, we might engage in other fun activities, creative projects, or go on an outing.  

Feel free to come along and join us. We would love to meet you!

Our Services



We are here to help support and guide you. If you are struggling and need someone to speak with, one of our staff or volunteers will gladly meet with you. Please be in touch, so that we can help support you through whatever concern.



Drop-in is available for all ladies who are looking for a community of like-minded women, and a place to feel comfortable and welcomed! It runs on Fridays from 10:00AM-12:00PM upstairs in the Shed



Throughout the year, the Ark provides different events and opportunities to meet up at the Shed, but to also go around the island! Previous trips and activities have included staying over at Grinneabhat, line dancing lessons, bowling and more!

​​"The Ark really helped me stop drinking. It was an event that gave my week structure and purpose; something to look forward to"

Christiane Douglas

Christiane Davis

The Ark Volunteer Leader

“It has been an immense blessing and privilege to journey with the women at the Ark group over the last 8 years. Being entrusted with coming alongside individuals to support and offer a safe holding space during life’s severe challenges has greatly humbled me. The way this group of women has grown in confidence and a sense of community, sharing with and helping one another, is wonderful and rewarding to witness and encourages me to continue.”  



The Ark offers a safe space for women in recovery to come to and socialise in a relaxed, encouraging, and non-judgmental atmosphere. You will find a group of women who are in various stages of their recovery journey, so everyone can fit in.


Apart from the support of the group, our Ark team always has an open ear for any individual who would like to talk about specific aspects of life or need, and we will do our best to help or signpost to other support available.

Scottish Recovery Walk
The Ark Drop-in


Apart from chatting over a cuppa, which we like to do most of the time, we also enjoy outings like bowling, beach picnics, or treating ourselves in one of the island cafés. Sometimes the group invites speakers to talk about subjects of interest or people who teach us new skills. A highlight of the year is the annual Scottish Recovery Walk which takes place in one of the Scottish cities. This is a time of great fun, togetherness, and encouragement for those who decide to come along.


So, drop in anytime. We would love to meet you!


Events and Activities

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